For several centuries, the nativity scene, as a depiction of the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ, has been an indispensable part of Christmas.
The tradition of Christmas nativity scenes was established in the northern Italian region of Umbria by St. Francis of Assisi as early as 1223. In our region, the nativity scene first appeared in the second half of the 16th century. Towards the end of the 18th century, due to the church reforms of Emperor Joseph II, nativity scenes had to leave church premises. Artists, who until then worked in churches, lost their jobs and began creating nativity scenes at home.
The exhibition of paper nativity scenes showcases the artistic execution of old masters. Collector Ján Hertlík cuts out, backs, and decorates the figurines on stands. The collection features historical, folk, as well as modern paper nativity scenes by various authors.
JÁN HERTLÍK is a collector of replicas of ancient cultures, paper nativity scenes, and Christmas ornaments.
Since 2002, he has managed to assemble and organize four unique exhibitions: Egypt – The Gift of the Nile, Greece at the Dawn of History, Paper Nativity Scenes, and The Christmas Exhibition – Symbols of Christmas.