Vzduchotechnik s.r.o.

The company Vzduchotechnik, which has been long specialized in the production of CBRN filter-ventilation systems, which are the heart of any shelter and bunker, will also present itself at the IDEB 2023 trade fair. In connection with the war in Ukraine, the company reacts by developing new effective technologies for the protection of the civilian population, but also military units. Both technologies – for large-capacity shelters and newly small-capacity solutions intended for private clients who are interested in building a shelter on their property will be introduced.

In cooperation with partners, Vzduchotechnik is able to:

  • build new small-capacityand large-capacity underground shelters and bunkers resistant to explosions, chemical, radiation and biological threats
  • refurbish existing civil defense shelters
  • equip shelters and bunkers with adequate air-filter-ventilation systems
  • equip these places with water filtration systems and energy reserves
  • equip places with security ballistic and pressure doors and other closures
  • supply technologies for measuring radiation, hazardous and combustible substances in the air
  • equip the space with a decontamination room
  • supply protective clothing and respiratory protective equipment

Many of our products have been tested and certified according to international standards.